Data Fields

PP_Bool as_bool
int32_t as_int
double as_double
int64_t as_id

Detailed Description

The PP_VarValue union stores the data for any one of the types listed in the PP_VarType enum.

Field Documentation

If type is PP_VARTYPE_BOOL, as_bool represents the value of this PP_Var as PP_Bool.

If type is PP_VARTYPE_DOUBLE, as_double represents the value of this PP_Var as double.

If type is PP_VARTYPE_STRING, PP_VARTYPE_OBJECT, PP_VARTYPE_ARRAY, PP_VARTYPE_DICTIONARY, PP_VARTYPE_ARRAY_BUFFER, or PP_VARTYPE_RESOURCE, as_id represents the value of this PP_Var as an opaque handle assigned by the browser.

This handle is guaranteed never to be 0, so a module can initialize this ID to 0 to indicate a "NULL handle."

If type is PP_VARTYPE_INT32, as_int represents the value of this PP_Var as int32_t.

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file:
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