Picture-in-Picture for any Element, not just <video>

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The Document Picture-in-Picture API makes it possible to open an always-on-top window that can be populated with arbitrary HTML content. It extends the existing Picture-in-Picture API for <video> that only allows an HTML <video> element to be put into a Picture-in-Picture window.

The Picture-in-Picture window in the Document Picture-in-Picture API is similar to a blank same-origin window opened via window.open(), with some differences:

  • The Picture-in-Picture window floats on top of other windows.
  • The Picture-in-Picture window never outlives the opening window.
  • The Picture-in-Picture window cannot be navigated.
  • The Picture-in-Picture window position cannot be set by the website.
A Picture-in-Picture window playing Sintel trailer video.
A Picture-in-Picture window created with the Document Picture-in-Picture API (demo).

Current status

1. Create explainerComplete
2. Create initial draft of specificationIn progress
3. Gather feedback & iterate on designIn progress
4. Origin trialComplete
5. LaunchComplete (Desktop)

Use cases

Custom video player

A website can provide a Picture-in-Picture video experience with the existing Picture-in-Picture API for <video>, however it is very limited. The existing Picture-in-Picture window accepts few inputs, and has limited ability for styling them. With a full Document in Picture-in-Picture, the website can provide custom controls and inputs (for example, captions, playlists, time scrubber, liking and disliking videos) to improve the user's Picture-in-Picture video experience.

Video conferencing

It is common for users to leave the browser tab during a video conferencing session for various reasons (for example, presenting another tab to the call or multitasking) while still wishing to see the call, so it's a prime use case for Picture-in-Picture. Once again, the current experience a video conferencing website can provide via the Picture-in-Picture API for <video> is limited in style and input. With a full Document in Picture-in-Picture, the website can easily combine multiple video streams into a single PiP window without having to rely on canvas hacks and provide custom controls such as sending a message, muting another user, or raising a hand.


Research has shown that users need more ways to be productive on the web. Document in Picture-in-Picture gives web apps the flexibility to accomplish more. Whether it's text editing, note-taking, task lists, messaging and chat, or design and development tools, web apps can now keep their content always accessible.



Returns the current Picture-in-Picture window if any. Otherwise, returns null.



Returns a promise that resolves when a Picture-in-Picture window is opened. The promise rejects if it's called without a user gesture. The options dictionary contains the optional following members:

Sets the initial width of the Picture-in-Picture window.
Sets the initial height of the Picture-in-Picture window.


Fired on documentPictureInPicture when a Picture-in-Picture window is opened.


The following HTML sets up a custom video player and a button element to open the video player in a Picture-in-Picture window.

<div id="playerContainer">
<div id="player">
<video id="video"></video>
<button id="pipButton">Open Picture-in-Picture window</button>

Open a Picture-in-Picture window

The following JavaScript calls documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow() when the user clicks the button to open a blank Picture-in-Picture window. The returned promise resolves with a Picture-in-Picture window JavaScript object. The video player is moved to that window using append().

pipButton.addEventListener('click', async () => {
const player = document.querySelector("#player");

// Open a Picture-in-Picture window.
const pipWindow = await documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow();

// Move the player to the Picture-in-Picture window.

Set the size of the Picture-in-Picture window

To set the size of the Picture-in-Picture window, set the width and height options of documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow() to the desired Picture-in-Picture window size. Chrome may clamp the option values if they are too large or too small to fit a user-friendly window size.

pipButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const player = document.querySelector("#player");

// Open a Picture-in-Picture window whose size is
// the same as the player's.
const pipWindow = await documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow({
width: player.clientWidth,
height: player.clientHeight,

// Move the player to the Picture-in-Picture window.

Copy style sheets to the Picture-in-Picture window

To copy all CSS style sheets from the originating window, loop through styleSheets explicitly linked into or embedded in the document and append them to the Picture-in-Picture window. Note that this is a one-time copy.

pipButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const player = document.querySelector("#player");

// Open a Picture-in-Picture window.
const pipWindow = await documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow();

// Copy style sheets over from the initial document
// so that the player looks the same.
[...document.styleSheets].forEach((styleSheet) => {
try {
const cssRules = [...styleSheet.cssRules].map((rule) => rule.cssText).join('');
const style = document.createElement('style');

style.textContent = cssRules;
} catch (e) {
const link = document.createElement('link');

link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = styleSheet.type;
link.media = styleSheet.media;
link.href = styleSheet.href;

// Move the player to the Picture-in-Picture window.

The copyStyleSheets option was supported in a previous version of the specification. It is not the case anymore.

Handle when the Picture-in-Picture window closes

Listen to the window "pagehide" event to know when the Picture-in-Picture window gets closed (either because the website initiated it or the user manually closed it). The event handler is a good place to get the elements back out of the Picture-in-Picture window as shown below.

pipButton.addEventListener("click", async () => {
const player = document.querySelector("#player");

// Open a Picture-in-Picture window.
const pipWindow = await documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow();

// Move the player to the Picture-in-Picture window.

// Move the player back when the Picture-in-Picture window closes.
pipWindow.addEventListener("pagehide", (event) => {
const playerContainer = document.querySelector("#playerContainer");
const pipPlayer = event.target.querySelector("#player");

Close the Picture-in-Picture window programmatically by using the close() method.

// Close the Picture-in-Picture window programmatically. 
// The "pagehide" event will fire normally.

Listen to when the website enters Picture-in-Picture

Listen to the "enter" event on documentPictureInPicture to know when a Picture-in-Picture window is opened. The event contains a window object to access the Picture-in-Picture window.

documentPictureInPicture.addEventListener("enter", (event) => {
const pipWindow = event.window;

Access elements in the Picture-in-Picture window

Access elements in the Picture-in-Picture window either from the object returned by documentPictureInPicture.requestWindow(), or with documentPictureInPicture.window as shown below.

const pipWindow = documentPictureInPicture.window;
if (pipWindow) {
// Mute video playing in the Picture-in-Picture window.
const pipVideo = pipWindow.document.querySelector("#video");
pipVideo.muted = true;

Handle events from the Picture-in-Picture window

Create buttons and controls and respond to user's input events such as "click" as you would do normally in JavaScript.

// Add a "mute" button to the Picture-in-Picture window.
const pipMuteButton = pipWindow.document.createElement("button");
pipMuteButton.textContent = "Mute";
pipMuteButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
const pipVideo = pipWindow.document.querySelector("#video");
pipVideo.muted = true;

Feature detection

To check if the Document Picture-in-Picture API is supported, use:

if ('documentPictureInPicture' in window) {
// The Document Picture-in-Picture API is supported.


VideoJS player

You can play with the Document Picture-in-Picture API VideoJS player demo. Be sure to check out the source code.


Tomodoro, a pomodoro web app, is also taking advantage of the Document Picture-in-Picture API when available (see GitHub pull request).

Screenshot of Tomodoro, a pomodoro web app.
A Picture-in-Picture window in Tomodoro.


Please file issues on GitHub with suggestions and questions.


Hero image by Jakob Owens.

Updated on Improve article

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