Privacy Sandbox demos

Demos and colabs walk you through the Privacy Sandbox APIs.

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There are a number of demos available for the Privacy Sandbox APIs. Most of them will require you to be familiar with the APIs, so if you haven't read the docs, check out the links we've listed along with the demos.

Demos and colabs

Protected Audience API

The demo uses the Protected Audience API to join ad interest groups on two advertiser sites, and then initiates an on-device auction to select an ad for display on a publisher site.


Demo code


Protected Audience API demo.

Topics API


The Topics API allows a browser to share information about a user's interests with third parties without the use of third-party cookies. It enables interest-based advertising (IBA) without tracking the sites a user visits. This demo shows an example of the API in action.


Walkthrough video


The Topics API demo.


This colab makes it easy to load the TensorFlow Lite model used by Chrome to infer topics from hostnames.


Colab doc

Walkthrough video

Topics API colab.

Attribution Reporting


The Attribution Reporting API enables advertisers and ad tech providers to measure conversions for ad clicks and views, ads in a third-party iframe, and ads in a first-party context. In this demo an advertiser uses an ad tech provider to run their ads on a publisher site.



Summary reports walkthrough video

Attribution Reporting API demo.


When aggregatable reports are batched by a collector and processed by the aggregation service, random data is added to the resulting summary reports in order to protect user privacy. Use Noiselab to experiment with different values to see the impact of noise.

Noise Lab


Noise Lab.

Shared Storage

The Shared Storage API provides storage that can be used cross-site, meaning you store a value at one domain, then read the value from another domain. You can set data freely, but are restricted in how you get data out of storage. This demo illustrates how it works.



Shared Storage API demo.


Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) allows developers to opt a cookie into partitioned storage, with separate cookie jars per top-level site, improving user privacy and security. This demo illustrates how it works.



CHIPS demo.

Related Website Sets

Related Website Sets is a way for a company to declare relationships among sites, so that browsers allow limited third-party cookie access for specific purposes. Chrome will use these declared relationships to decide when to allow or deny a site access to their cookies when in a third-party context.



Submission JSON generator

Related Website Sets demo.

Permissions Policy

Permissions Policy allows the developer to control the browser features available to a page, its iframes, and subresources, by declaring a set of policies for the browser to enforce. This demo lets you try out the available policies.



Permissions Policy demo.

User Agent Reduction

User-Agent reduction minimizes the identifying information shared in the User-Agent string, which may be used for passive fingerprinting. Resource requests have a reduced User-Agent header now and the return values from certain Navigator interfaces are reduced. This demo lets you experiment with the new UA string values.



User Agent Reduction demo.
JavaScript reduced user-agent



JavaScript reduced user-agent demo.
Server-side reduced user-agent



Server-side reduced user-agent demo.

Private State Token API

With the Private State Token API, a website can issue cryptographic tokens to a user it trusts, which can later be used elsewhere. The tokens are stored securely by the user's browser, and can then be redeemed in other contexts to confirm the user's authenticity. Check out the API in this demo.



Private State Token API demo.

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