Add a project

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Clone the example project

Duplicate the example project located in site/en/docs/_example. Rename the folder to match whatever slug you want to use for your project url. This slug is referred to as the project-key.

├── _example
├── extensions
├── handbook
├── cheese # your new project! This will appear at /docs/cheese/

Configure the landing page

Open the file at the root of the project directory.

├── cheese
│ ├── # <-- this file!
│ └── my-first-doc

Update the title and the description. These will be displayed on the /docs/ and /docs/[project-key] pages. You'll need to create a matching page in other languages if it is ever translated.

Add your first doc

The example project comes with a sample doc that you can build off of. See the guide on adding a doc for a detailed explainer.

Configure the table of contents for your project

Create a new folder in the site/_data/docs/ directory, and name it after your project. This is language-agnostic.

├── _data
│ ├── docs
│ │ ├── extensions
│ │ ├── cheese # <-- your project!
│ │ ├── handbook
│ │ └── projects.yml

Add a toc.yml file to this directory. The toc.yml defines the navigation structure for your project and will appear on the /docs/[project-key]/ page as well as in the side navigation when viewing an individual doc.

The toc.yml supports these fields:

  • url—an absolute url path to your doc
  • title—the title for a subsection in i18n path notation (explained below.)
  • sections—a collection of more urls, nested under a title.
- url: /docs/cheese/what-is-cheese  # a single doc
- title: # a title for a section of docs
sections: # a grouping of docs under a title
- url: /docs/cheese/overview/hard-cheese
- url: /docs/cheese/overview/soft-cheese
- url: /docs/cheese/overview/string-cheese
- title:
- url: /docs/cheese/overview/guides/melting-cheese
- url: /docs/cheese/the-moon-is-made-of-cheese

Add styles and icon for your project

Add an icon at site/_static/images/project/[project-key].svg. This should be a small SVG rendered in white. See the existing icons for examples.

If you'd like this icon to render on top of a different color than the default blue, you can optionally add a peer styles.yml to your toc.yml file. For example:

# Color (CSS theme variable) to use for this project page
project_icon_color: 'color-project-handbook'

This color will be drawn from _theme.scss. (The default color used without a configuration is color-project-default.)

Add i18n paths for your titles

The title strings used in the toc.yml are magic ✨ and we need a way to translate them into other languages. We do this by creating a dictionary in the _data/i18n folder.

If you have title fields in your toc.yml you will need to create a file in the _data/i18n/docs directory:

├── i18n
│ ├── docs
│ │ ├── extensions.yml
│ │ ├── cheese.yml # <-- your project!
│ │ └── handbook.yml

If you have the title "Overview" you would add it to your .yml file like so:

en: 'Overview'
es: 'Visión General'

If you aren't ready to translate your docs yet that's OK!. Just add an en field for now.

Finally, in your toc.yml, add the path to this object:

# toc.yml
- title:

Add your project to the /docs/ page

Open the site/_data/docs/projects.yml file. This file is divided into sections and will look something like this:

- url: extensions
- url: devtools

Each section acts as a heading on the /docs/ page. If you want your project to appear under the "Chrome" heading you would add it to the chrome section, like this:

- url: extensions
- url: cheese # <-- your project
- url: devtools

You're done! 😅

Grab yourself a slice of cheese and celebrate by building the site (npm run dev) and looking at those sweet new docs.

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