Add a collection page

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These collections can live in your documentation as either tradition collections, which are built with tags, or like a landing page with a customized set of docs or articles.

Choose the collection method

  • For an ordered set, list the articles.
  • For an unordered set, use a tag.

List of articles

If you'd like a set of docs and articles in a custom order, you can add the URL string of each to the list of articles in the page YAML.

- url: /docs/.../
- url: /articles/.../

The existence of an articles list will always be prioritized over tags.

Tagged collection

Choose a tag for your collection. It will become the <COLLECTION_NAME>. You can use an existing tag or create a new one.

Tag content

Make sure all posts / articles / docs that will be bart of the collection are tagged with the chosen tag (such as, tags: ["capabilities"]).

Create collection landing page

Create a new page in your site/en/docs/ directory:

├── site
│ ├── en
│ │ ├── docs
│ │ │ ├── <Your Doc Set>
│ │ │ │ ├── <COLLECTION_NAME>
│ │ │ │ │ └──

Configure the page

Add the following frontmatter to the file:

description: '...'
subhead: '...'
layout: 'layouts/collection-in-docs.njk'
collection_tag: '<CUSTOM-TAG-NAME>'
- url: /docs/.../
- url: /articles/.../

The existence of an articles list will always be prioritized over tags.

You can leave the content of the empty, or add custom markup as needed.

Content supports markdown syntax with some additional features and shortcodes. See the components guide for a full list of supported elements.

We use an image CDN and GCS bucket to ensure that images and videos are served in a performant, responsive manner. Take a look at the guide on uploading media to learn how to add images and videos to your docs.

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