Add a blog post

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Before you start

Make sure your content is a blog post, and not reference documentation or an article (or a mixture of all three). See where to publish for more information.

Clone the sample post

Duplicate the example post located in site/en/blog/_example/ and rename the folder to match whatever slug you want to use for your url.

Posts support markdown syntax with some additional features and shortcodes.


Each file starts with YAML Front Matter. See site/en/blog/_example/ for documentation of all supported metadata.

Outdated banner

The outdated banner indicates this article is outdated and no longer accurate.

Set is_outdated field in your YAML frontmatter. If new material is available, paste an available content URL into the new_available_content_url field in your YAML frontmatter.

Hero images

Hero images should be at least 1920 x 960. Use jpg unless you have a specific need for png or svg. Our image CDN will handle compressing and converting the image to newer formats such as webp so you don't have to do that in advance.

Follow the add media guide to upload your image to our CDN. Once you've uploaded the image, copy the path out of the shortcode snippet, it should look like this:


Paste that into the hero field in your YAML frontmatter.

YouTube videos as heroes

Alternatively, you can replace the hero field in your YAML frontmatter with the hero_youtube_id field, for example:

- hero: 'image/BrQidfK9jaQyIHwdw91aVpkPiib2/EnMzOm0mBytBA3AzlCG6.png'
+ hero_youtube_id: 'PupwBARjaYU'

If this is done, the thumbnail field is required.

+ thumbnail: 'image/BrQidfK9jaQyIHwdw91aVpkPiib2/EnMzOm0mBytBA3AzlCG6.png'

This results in the thumbnail being displayed on pages referencing the article, such as the blog index page, and a YouTube video embed being displayed on the article page where the hero image otherwise would be.

Social sharing image

Social sharing image is the visual thumbnail that appears when a post or page is shared on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Follow the add media guide to upload your image to our CDN or use the sharing image generator to generate the social sharing image.

Once you've uploaded the image or generated the sharing image, copy the path out, it should look like this:


Paste that into the sharing_image field in your YAML frontmatter.


See the components guide for a full list of supported elements.

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