
Published on Updated on


Use asides to provide information that's related to but distinct from the content in the body of the post or codelab. Asides should generally be short—no more than 2–3 lines.

There are several kinds of asides, each for a different purpose.

Note asides

{% Aside %}
Use the note aside to provide supplemental information.
{% endAside %}

Use the note aside to provide supplemental information.

Asides can contain links and formatted text, including code.

{% Aside %}
Here is some code:
const foo = 'bar';
function() {
console.log('hello world');


Here is a fancy [named markdown link][google].
{% endAside %}


Here is some code:

const foo = 'bar';
function() {
console.log('hello world');

Here is a fancy named markdown link.

Caution asides

{% Aside 'caution' %}
Use the caution aside to indicate a potential pitfall or complication.
{% endAside %}

Use the caution aside to indicate a potential pitfall or complication.

Warning asides

{% Aside 'warning' %}
The warning aside is stronger than a caution aside; use it to tell the reader
not to do something.
{% endAside %}

The warning aside is stronger than a caution aside; use it to tell the reader not to do something.

Success asides

{% Aside 'success' %}
Use the success aside to describe a successful action or an error-free status.
{% endAside %}

Use the success aside to describe a successful action or an error-free status.

Important asides

{% Aside 'important' %}
Use the important aside to indicate a common problem that the reader wouldn't know
without specialized knowledge of the topic.
{% endAside %}

Use the important aside to indicate a common problem that the reader wouldn't know without specialized knowledge of the topic.

Key-term asides

{% Aside 'key-term' %}
Use the key-term aside to define a term that's essential to understanding an
idea in the body copy. Key-term asides should be a single sentence that
includes the term in italics. For example, "A _portal_ is…"
{% endAside %}
Key Term

Use the key-term aside to define a term that's essential to understanding an idea in the body copy. Key-term asides should be a single sentence that includes the term in italics. For example, "A portal is…"

Codelab asides

{% Aside 'codelab' %}
Use the codelab aside to link to an associated codelab.
{% endAside %}

Example asides

{% Aside 'example' %}
Use the example aside to give an example use case.
{% endAside %}

Advertising platform Criteo recently ran a competition with more than 150 teams testing different machine learning models to evaluate how differential privacy concepts such as noise insertion and aggregation might impact advertising performance. It's helpful to examine these concepts since they underlie several of the Privacy Sandbox APIs.

Update asides

{% Aside 'update' %}
Use the update aside for important updates, such as a name change.
{% endAside %}

The end date has been extended to May 2023.


Use blockquotes to emphasize a quotation that's important to the main idea of a post. (For example, in a case study you might include a quotation from someone on the partner organization's management team.)

Always include a <cite> element indicating the quote's source at the end of a block quote:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Proin dictum a massa sit amet ullamcorper.
Jon Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin dictum a massa sit amet ullamcorper.

Jon Doe


In general, you shouldn't need to add buttons to your posts. These buttons are shown for reference.

<button class="material-button button-text color-primary">
Text button

<button class="material-button button-filled color-bg bg-primary">
Filled button

<button class="material-button button-filled button-round color-bg bg-primary">
Round button

Browser Compat

With the BrowserCompat shortcode, you can embed an MDN - Browser Compatibility Data widget in your post. You have to pass in the dot-separated feature ID, as used on BCD Schema, e.g. for Web/API/BackgroundFetchEvent the ID is api.BackgroundFetchEvent.

{% BrowserCompat 'api.BackgroundFetchEvent' %}
Browser support
  • Chrome 74, Supported 74
  • Firefox, Not supported

  • Edge 79, Supported 79
  • Safari, Not supported


The widget will use 🗑 symbols to represent features that are deprecated:

Browser support
  • Chrome 1, Supported 1
  • Firefox 1, Supported 1
  • Edge 12, Supported 12
  • Safari 1.3, Supported 1.3

The following JavaScript snippet, run from the DevTools console, will display the correct ID for a given MDN page that's currently open:

window.alert(document.querySelector(".bc-github-link")?.href.match(/title=(.+?)\+/)[1] ?? "No browser compat widget found on the page.")

Chrome Date

Use ChromeDate when you want to refer to a specific milestone date in the Chrome release schedule.

- Chrome 111 (stable date): {% ChromeDate 111 %}
- Chrome 111 (stable date): {% ChromeDate 111, "stableDate" %}
- Chrome 111 (earliest beta date): {% ChromeDate 111, "earliestBetaDate" %}
- Chrome 111 (final beta date): {% ChromeDate 111, "finalBetaDate" %}
  • Chrome 111 (stable date): March 7, 2023
  • Chrome 111 (stable date): March 7, 2023
  • Chrome 111 (earliest beta date): February 9, 2023
  • Chrome 111 (final beta date): March 1, 2023

Code uses the same syntax highlighter as

See the Code post for more details.


Columns can be used to place elements side-by-side. This works well for blocks of code or images. On mobile the columns will stack vertically.

{% Columns %}

{% Column %}
{% Img src="image/foR0vJZKULb5AGJExlazy1xYDgI2/iuwBXAyKJMz4b7oRyIdI.jpg", alt="ALT_TEXT_HERE", width="380", height="240" %}
{% endColumn %}

{% Column %}
{% Img src="image/foR0vJZKULb5AGJExlazy1xYDgI2/iuwBXAyKJMz4b7oRyIdI.jpg", alt="ALT_TEXT_HERE", width="380", height="240", params={flip: 'h'} %}
{% endColumn %}

{% endColumns %}
{% Columns %}

{% Column %} <!-- Include a newline to mix markdown with shortcodes -->

// v1
const config = {
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'qux',


{% endColumn %}

{% Column %}

// v2
const config = {
up: 'down',
left: 'right',


{% endColumn %}

{% endColumns %}
// v1
const config = {
foo: 'bar',
baz: 'qux',
// v2
const config = {
up: 'down',
left: 'right',


If you want comments that are stripped out during rendering, you can place your comment text between {# and #}.

{% your comment here %}


{% Compare 'better' %}
The right way to do something
{% endCompare %}

{% Compare 'worse' %};
Don't do it this way!
{% endCompare %}


The right way to do something


Don't do it this way!

Compare with caption

{% Compare 'worse' %}
Bad code example

{% CompareCaption %}
Explanation of why example is **bad**.
{% endCompareCaption %}

{% endCompare %}

{% Compare 'better' %}
Good code example

{% CompareCaption %}
Explanation of why example is **good**.
{% endCompareCaption %}

{% endCompare %}


Bad code example

Explanation of why example is bad.


Good code example

Explanation of why example is good.

Compare with custom labels

To support localization all custom labels will need to be added to the site/_data/i18n/common.yml file.

# site/_data/i18n/common.yml
en: 'Unhelpful'

en: 'Helpful'
{% Compare 'worse', 'unhelpful' %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
{% endCompare %}

{% Compare 'better', 'helpful' %}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
{% endCompare %}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Compare with fenced code block

{% Compare 'better' %}
const x = 0;

{% endCompare %}

{% Compare 'worse' %}
var x = 0;

{% endCompare %}


const x = 0;


var x = 0;

Details (accordion functionality)

Use a details section to hide extra information from the user until it's needed. It can have an optional preview. Use this component if you need an accordion or expandable section.

{% Details %}
{% DetailsSummary %}
A brief summary goes here
{% endDetailsSummary %}

The body of the Details component goes here, and **can** contain markdown.

{% endDetails %}

A brief summary goes here

The body of the Details component goes here, and can contain markdown.

The details shortcode also supports using headers in the summary.

{% Details %}
{% DetailsSummary %}
### A normal heading goes here
{% endDetailsSummary %}

The body of the Details component goes here, and **can** contain markdown.

{% endDetails %}

A normal heading goes here

The body of the Details component goes here, and can contain markdown.

{% Details %}
{% DetailsSummary %}
### Details component summary
This is an optional preview.
{% endDetailsSummary %}

This is the body of the Details component.
It **can** contain markdown.

const bar = 'foo';


{% endDetails %}

Details component summary

This is an optional preview.

This is the body of the Details component. It can contain markdown.

const bar = 'foo';


Create a Glitch

Embed a Glitch

{% Glitch {
id: 'tabindex-zero',
path: 'index.html',
previewSize: 0,
allow: []
} %}

<!-- Or just the Glitch ID -->

{% Glitch 'tabindex-zero' %}

It's OK to adjust the height of the Glitch wrapper element if you need more or less space.

Shortcode object fields allow for modifying how the embed is presented:

  • {string | string[]} allow? List of feature policies of an IFrame either as an array of strings, or as a ; separated list. By default the following policies are enabled:
    • 'camera', 'clipboard-read', 'clipboard-write', 'encrypted-media', 'geolocation', 'microphone', 'midi'
  • {string} id ID of Glitch project.
  • {string} path? Lets you specify which source code file to show.
  • {number} previewSize? Defines what percentage of the embed should be dedicated to the preview, default is 100.
  • {number} height? Height, in pixels, of the Glitch wrapper element.


Images should always use the {% Img %} shortcode. This shortcode will be generated for you when you upload your image to our CDN. See the Add an image or video guide for upload instructions.

{% Img src="image/foR0vJZKULb5AGJExlazy1xYDgI2/w9i7lEqGw5J5b3jx5fAu.jpg", alt="ALT_TEXT_HERE", width="800", height="450" %}

Images with a white background should use the .screenshot class to give them a border so they don't appear to "float" on the page.

{% Img src='image/BrQidfK9jaQyIHwdw91aVpkPiib2/TDNgfhI9byR4eeGQ0Xxv.png', alt='Screenshot', height="302", width="770", class="screenshot" %}

<!-- Add the .screenshot--filled modifier to give the screenshot padding and a grey background. -->
{% Img src='image/BrQidfK9jaQyIHwdw91aVpkPiib2/TDNgfhI9byR4eeGQ0Xxv.png', alt='Screenshot', height="302", width="770", class="screenshot screenshot--filled" %}

Full bleed images

Full bleed images break out of the main column.

<div class="type--full-bleed">
{% Img src="image/foR0vJZKULb5AGJExlazy1xYDgI2/w9i7lEqGw5J5b3jx5fAu.jpg", alt="ALT_TEXT_HERE", width="800", height="450" %}

Inline images

To place an image inline with text use either the .float-left or .float-right class.

<!-- !important: note the commas after each property -->
{% Img

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint eaque iure eveniet assumenda ea natus perspiciatis, atque totam fugit labore amet facere, dignissimos sequi cumque repellat dolorum, quaerat voluptatibus sit!


To include a caption along with an image, use <figure> with <figcaption> and place the Img shortcode snippet inside:

{% Img src="image/foR0vJZKULb5AGJExlazy1xYDgI2/w9i7lEqGw5J5b3jx5fAu.jpg", alt="ALT_TEXT_HERE", width="800", height="450" %}
A good boy.
A good boy.


Labels can be used to display a filename associated with a code snippet.

{% Label %}filename.js:{% endLabel %}





See the Lists section of the Grammar, mechanics, and usage post for information about when to use each list type.

Use standard Markdown syntax for lists: 1. for ordered lists and - for unordered lists.

Ordered list

1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
  2. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
  3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…

Unordered list

- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet…

Definition list

First Term
: This is the definition of the first term.

Second Term
: This is one definition of the second term.
: This is another definition of the second term.
First Term
This is the definition of the first term.
Second Term
This is one definition of the second term.
This is another definition of the second term.


Use partials to reuse the same piece of content across a series of articles without having to rewrite it. Like a banner asking for feedback.

{% Partial 'devtools/' %}

Interested in helping improve DevTools? Sign up to participate in Google User Research here.


Use web-tabs component to display information in a form of horizontal tabs. Attribute title becomes the title of the corresponding tab panel.

<web-tab title="Tab 1 (html)">
<p>I'm content of Tab 1</p>
<web-tab title="Tab 2 (markdown)">

Here goes content of Tab 2. Now **with** some _markdown_.

You must include a line break between the html and markdown to get the
markdown to work (this is a limiation of markdown parsers).

<web-tab title="Tab 3 (with code)">

This is Tab 3. It has a code snippet inside.

You must include a line break between the html and teh markdown to get the
markdown to work. Also, be sure to unindent the markdown otherwise syntax
highlighting will not work.

const hello = 'world';


I'm content of Tab 1

Here goes content of Tab 2. Now with some markdown.

You must include a line break between the html and markdown to get the markdown to work (this is a limiation of markdown parsers).

This is Tab 3. It has a code snippet inside.

You must include a line break between the html and teh markdown to get the markdown to work. Also, be sure to unindent the markdown otherwise syntax highlighting will not work.

const hello = 'world';


By default tables are only as wide as their content and are horizontally centered.


<td>Someone Lastname</td>

PersonNumberThird Column
Someone Lastname900Nullam
Person Name1200Vestibulum
Another Person1500Vivamus
Last One2800Morbi

Tables with borders

To give a table vertical borders add the .with-borders class.

<table class="with-borders">

<td>Someone Lastname</td>

PersonNumberThird Column
Someone Lastname900Nullam
Person Name1200Vestibulum
Another Person1500Vivamus
Last One2800Morbi

Tables with tinted header

To give a table a tinted header add the .with-heading-tint class.

<table class="with-heading-tint">

<td>Someone Lastname</td>

PersonNumberThird Column
Someone Lastname900Nullam
Person Name1200Vestibulum
Another Person1500Vivamus
Last One2800Morbi

Tables with a caption

To give a table a caption add a <caption> element.

<caption>Tables can have captions now.</caption>

<td>Someone Lastname</td>

Tables can have captions now.
PersonNumberThird Column
Someone Lastname900Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Person Name1200Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.
Another Person1500Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Last One2800Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Full width tables

To make a table take up the full width add the width-full class.

<table class="width-full">

<td>Someone Lastname</td>

PersonNumberThird Column
Someone Lastname900Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Person Name1200Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.
Another Person1500Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Last One2800Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.

Non-overflowing tables

By default all tables will overflow-x on small screens in order to be responsive. To prevent this from happening add the fixed-table class.

<!-- Resize your screen and compare this table to the one above it. -->
<table class="fixed-table width-full">

<td>Someone Lastname</td>

PersonNumberThird Column
Someone Lastname900Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo.
Person Name1200Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla.
Another Person1500Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Last One2800Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum.


Videos should always use the {% Video %} shortcode. This shortcode will be generated for you when you upload your video to our CDN. See the Add an image or video guide for upload instructions.

{% Video src='video/tcFciHGuF3MxnTr1y5ue01OGLBn2/1601081394086.mp4' %}

Note that the video src property can either be a string or an array of strings for multiple sources.

See the Add an image or video guide.


Use the {% YouTube %} shortcode to embed a YouTube video.

{% YouTube id="qPD2yc8BoDk" %}

<!-- You can pass an optional start time as well -->
{% YouTube id="qPD2yc8BoDk", startTime="1678" %}

Updated on Improve article

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