Barry Pollard

Barry Pollard

Web Performance Developer Advocate for Google

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Long Animation Frames API

Learn about the Long Animation Frames API (LoAF) proposal which is the next iteration of the Long Tasks API and allows measuring frame update delays with attribution

Debugging speculation rules

Learn all about the Chrome DevTools features to debug speculation rules used to prefetch and prerender future page navigations.

Deprecating the unload event

The unload event will be gradually deprecated starting from Chrome 117. Learn what this means and how sites and enterprises can prepare for this

Introducing historical web performance data via the CrUX History API

Learn about the new CrUX History API and how to use it to track user experience trends.

Experimenting with measuring soft navigations

The Chrome team is working on better measuring so-called soft navigations used by Single Page Applications and a new API is now available behind a flag to allow sites to experiment with this too.

Barry Pollard Yoav Weiss

Barry Pollard, Yoav Weiss

Prerender pages in Chrome for instant page navigations

The Chrome team has been working on options to bring back full prerendering of future pages that a user is likely to navigate to. This modern reboot of prerendering will start rolling out from Chrome 108

Removing HTTP/2 Server Push from Chrome

HTTP/2 Server Push will be disabled by default in Chrome 106

Faster page loads using server think-time with Early Hints

Find out how your server can send hints to the browser about critical sub-resources.

Adding Rank Magnitude to the CrUX Report in BigQuery

Adding Rank Magnitude to the CrUX Report in BigQuery.

Using the Chrome UX Report on PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights (PSI) is a tool for web developers to understand what a page's performance is and how to improve it. In this guide, learn how to use PSI to extract insights from CrUX and better understand the user experience.

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