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International Mother Language Day 2021

International Mother Language Day is an annual celebration of cultural diversity observed worldwide on February 21. It promotes the preservation and protection of languages spoken all over the world and celebrates multilingualism.

Replacing a hot path in your app's JavaScript with WebAssembly

One key benefit that WebAssembly offers is _predictable_ performance across browsers. But how do you turn hot path written in JavaScript into WebAssembly?

Houdini's Animation Worklet

Animation Worklet allows you to write imperative animations that run at the device's native frame rate for that extra buttery jank-free smoothness™, make your animations more resilient against main thread jank and are linkable to scroll instead of time.


Implications for Web Developers and Chrome’s mitigations.


Houdini’s CSS Paint API allows you to programmatically draw CSS images.

Animating a blur

A few tricks are necessary to animate a blur efficiently.

Surma Yi Gu

Surma , Yi Gu

Supercharged live stream blog - Code splitting

We implemented code splitting and route based chunking just like WebPack.

CSS Deep-Dive - matrix3d() for a frame-perfect custom scrollbar

Custom transform matrices allow you to build frame-perfect custom scrollbars.

CSS Grid – Table layout is back. Be there and be square

CSS Grid is a new layout system for the web.

Complexities of an infinite scroller

Infinite scrollers are a common UI pattern. Here we explore how to implement this pattern in a memory conservative way that performs at 60fps.

Surma Robert Flack

Surma , flackr

Houdini - Demystifying CSS

Houdini is a collection of APIs that expose the CSS engine’s internals to developers

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