Sam Dutton

Sam Dutton

Developer Advocate, Google Chrome

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Topics API integration guide

Learn how to use the Topics API to meet specific ad tech use cases.

Find form issues with Chrome DevTools

The Chrome DevTools team is building additional new features to help find form issues and debug Autofill. These features are at an early stage of design and implementation, and we need your testing and feedback.

Shared autofill across iframes: an initial proposal

Some forms have fields in iframes, which causes problems for browser autofill. With shared-autofill, the parent frame can designate the trustworthiness of cross-origin iframes, to support a better autofill experience for the user.

Topics API demos

Experiment and learn how topics are inferred from hostnames with minimal setup.

What are Chrome flags?

Enable additional debugging tools or try out new or experimental features in Chrome.

What are Chrome release channels?

Learn how Chrome uses the Canary, Dev, Beta, and Stable release channels to test new features, and roll out updates.

What are Chrome Variations?

A mechanism for Chrome to test new browser features

Seller guide: run ad auctions

Seller API guide and references for the Protected Audience API ad auction.

Buyer guide: join interest groups and generate bids

Buyer API guide and references to join remarketing lists and bid in Protected Audience API auctions.

Opt-out of the Protected Audience API

For developers and users who want to opt-out of the Protected Audience API.

Report on Protected Audience API auction results

Seller and buyer guide to generate Protected Audience API auction reports.

Troubleshoot the Protected Audience API

Troubleshoot worklets and observe Protected Audience API events.

Privacy Sandbox events

Information and resources for online and in-person events.

The Protected Audience API: experiment and participate

The Protected Audience API is a Privacy Sandbox API to serve remarketing and custom audience use cases, designed so it cannot be used by third parties to track user browsing behavior across sites. The API enables on-device auctions by the browser, to choose relevant ads from websites the user has previously visited.

Topics API: experiment and participate

Quick guide to implement and test the API. Access topics with JavaScript and share your feedback.

FLEDGE API developer guide

Protected Audience API is a Privacy Sandbox proposal to serve remarketing and custom audience use cases, designed so it cannot be used by third parties to track user browsing behavior across sites.

Sam Dutton Kevin K. Lee

Sam Dutton, Kevin K. Lee

Protected Audience API: developer guide

Developer guide for on-device ad auctions to choose relevant ads from previously visited websites, designed so it cannot be used by third parties to track user browsing behavior across sites.

Sam Dutton Kevin K. Lee

Sam Dutton, Kevin K. Lee

Protected Audience API

An API for on-device ad auctions to choose relevant ads from websites a user has previously visited, designed so it cannot be used by third parties to track user browsing behavior across sites.

Sam Dutton Kevin K. Lee

Sam Dutton, Kevin K. Lee

Test topic inference in a colab

Try the colab to learn how to load the TensorFlow Lite model used by Chrome to infer topics from hostnames.

Topics API developer guide

Learn how to work with the API, including how to use Chrome flags for testing.

Topics API overview

The Topics API enables interest-based advertising (IBA) without having to resort to tracking the sites a user visits.

Topic classification

More in-depth information about the topics themselves and how they are chosen.

Troubleshoot Chrome origin trials

Address common problems with trial tokens in meta tags, headers, and scripts. You'll also learn about debugging support in Chrome DevTools.


FLoC enables interest-based advertising in a way that preserves privacy. As a user moves around the web, their browser is assigned to an "interest cohort" along with thousands of others with a similar browsing history. This is done without sharing individual browsing history with the browser vendor or anyone else.

Privacy Sandbox glossary

Short explanations of key concepts.

What is the Privacy Sandbox?

What's in it, what's it for, and how to get involved.

Private State Tokens

An API to convey a limited amount of information from one browsing context to another (for example, across sites) to help combat fraud, without passive tracking.


Frequently asked questions about the Privacy Sandbox proposals

How to take part in the FLoC origin trial

Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) provides a privacy preserving mechanism for interest-based ad selection. This article explains how to take part in the FLoC origin trial.

Get started with origin trials

Test a new or experimental web platform feature. Give feedback to the web standards community on the feature's usability, practicality, and effectiveness, before the feature is made available to all users.

Issues: Find and fix problems

Use the Issues Tab to find and fix problems with your website.

Take photos and control camera settings

Image Capture is an API to control camera settings and take photos.

Capture a MediaStream from a canvas, video or audio element

The captureStream() method enables a MediaStream to be captured from a canvas, audio or video element, on Android and desktop.

Muted Autoplay on Mobile - Say goodbye to canvas hacks and animated GIFs!

Muted autoplay for video is supported on Android from Chrome 53. Previously, a video element required a user gesture to initiate playback.

Service worker caching, PlaybackRate and Blob URLs for audio and video on Chrome for Android

From version 52, Android Chrome uses the same media stack as desktop Chrome, rather than relying on the underlying platform implementation. This enables service worker media caching, variable playback rates, blob URLs on Android, MediaStream passing between APIs, and easier cross-platform debugging.

ECDSA for WebRTC - Better security, better privacy and better performance

From version 52, Chrome uses ECDSA by default — a much more efficient and secure algorithm for WebRTC certificate key generation. In addition, RTCCertificates can now be stored with IndexedDB.

Media Source API - Automatically ensure seamless playback of media segments in append order

The Media Source API enables JavaScript to construct media streams for playback. From Chrome 50, it's possible to use SourceBuffer sequence mode to ensure media segments are automatically relocated in the timeline in the order they were appended, without gaps between them.

Record audio and video with MediaRecorder

The MediaRecorder API enables you to record audio and video from a web app. It's available now in Firefox and in Chrome for Android and desktop.

VP9 is now available in WebRTC

From Chrome 48 on desktop and Android, VP9 will be an optional video codec for video calls using WebRTC.

Google Cast for Chrome on Android

Chrome on Android now allows mobile sites to present to Google Cast devices using the Presentation API and the Cast Web SDK.

Chrome 47 WebRTC: Media Recording, Secure Origins and Proxy Handling

Chrome 47 has several significant WebRTC enhancements and updates including audio and video recording, proxy handling and mandatory secure origins for getUserMedia().

Choose cameras, microphones and speakers from your web app

The MediaDevices interface gives access to input and output devices available to the browser including cameras, microphones and speakers.

The EME logger extension

EME Logger is a Chrome extension that logs Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) events and calls to the DevTools console.

MediaStream deprecations

The MediaStream API represents synchronized streams of audio or video. MediaStream.ended, MediaStream.label and MediaStream.stop() are being deprecated. Use, MediaStreamTrack.label and MediaStreamTrack.stop() instead.

Media playback notifications for Chrome on Android

When audio or video is playing on a web page, a notification showing the page title and a play/pause button is displayed in the notification tray and on the lock screen. The notification can be used to pause/resume play or return to the page playing the media.

High performance video with hardware decoding

Hardware video support brings efficient decoding to plugins as well as HTML5 video. Flash users should switch from the old style Video to the StageVideo object.

Chrome Dev Summit - Open web platform summary

The capabilities of the Open Web Platform is accelerating at a pace that has never been seen before. At the Chrome Dev Summit we talked about how we are working on improving Blink, Security and Media for the platform.

Alpha transparency in Chrome video

WebM just added alpha transparency, and support for it has landed in Chrome 31.

WebRTC - RTCDataChannel demo, API changes... and Chrome talks to Firefox

WebRTC - RTCDataChannel demo, API changes... and Chrome talks to Firefox

Screensharing with WebRTC

Screensharing with WebRTC

WebRTC hits Firefox, Android and iOS

WebRTC hits Firefox, Android and iOS

Big boost to DOM performance - WebKit's innerHTML is 240% faster

Chrome Engineer Kentaro Hara made seven code optimizations within WebKit, boosting performance for both Safari (JavaScriptCore) and Chrome (V8).

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