Rob Dodson

Rob Dodson

A.K.A. Bobdod

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Welcome to the new!

Announcing a revamp of the site, and a summary of our plans for 2021.

An example post for testing prose elements

A description of the article that will appear in search results.

Navigate Chrome DevTools with assistive technology

A guide on navigating Chrome DevTools using assistive technology like screen readers.

Removing ::shadow and /deep/ in Chrome 63

Say goodbye to shadow-piercing CSS selectors.

Removing Headaches from Focus Management

The 'sequential focus navigation starting point' feature defines where we start to search for focusable elements for sequential focus navigation ([Tab] or [Shift-Tab]) when there is no focused area. It's especially helpful for accessibility features like skip links and managing focus in the document.

CSS Variables - Why should you care?

CSS variables, more accurately known as CSS custom properties, are landing in Chrome 49. They can be useful for reducing repetition in CSS, and also for powerful runtime effects like theme switching and potentially extending/polyfilling future CSS features.

Controlling Font Performance with font-display

The new font-display descriptor for @font-face lets developers decide how their web fonts will render (or fallback), depending on how long it takes for them to load.

Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Let's build some apps with Polymer

Building apps, the Polymer way.

Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Polymer - State of the union

The state of the Polymer Union.

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