Philip Walton

Philip Walton

Engineer at Google working on the Web Platform

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What developers need to know about Chrome's Memory and Energy Saver modes

Learn how to ensure your page can gracefully handle Chrome's new Memory and Energy saver modes.

KV Storage - the Web's First Built-in Module

An introduction to the new KV Storage API, built-in modules, and import maps.

ReportingObserver: know your code health

ReportingObserver gives developers insight into what their code is doing in the wild. ReportingObserver surfaces information on issues like deprecations and interventions, messages that were previously only available in the DevTools console.

Page Lifecycle API

The Page Lifecycle API brings app lifecycle features common on mobile operating systems to the web. Browsers are now able to safely freeze and discard background pages to conserve resources, and developers can safely handle these interventions without affecting the user experience.

Chrome 64 to deprecate the chrome.loadTimes() API

The non-standard chrome.loadTimes() API will be deprecated in Chrome 64 now that standards-based equivalents exist for all of its useful features.

The Device Memory API

The Device Memory API allows developers to serve different resources to users based on their device's memory capabilities.

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