Maud Nalpas

Maud Nalpas

Developer Relations Engineer for security/privacy, Chrome and web

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Get started with Attribution Reporting

Here's where to start, including setup and a quick overview.

Maud Nalpas Nancy Michell

Maud Nalpas, Nancy Michell

Web-to-app and app-to-web measurement

Learn how your Chrome web app can pass attributions to your Android app.

Maud Nalpas Nancy Michell

Maud Nalpas, Nancy Michell

Secure popup interactions with restrict-properties

Get cross-origin isolation and cross-site leaks protection while interacting with popups.

One-time permissions in Chrome

"Allow this time" is a one-time option for permission grants in Chrome. It will initially be available on desktop only for geolocation, camera, and microphone.

Chrome disables modifying document.domain

If your website relies on setting document.domain, your action is required.

Prevent duplication in reports

Learn how to prevent duplicates in both event-level and aggregatable reports.

Report schedules

Learn when the Attribution Reporting API sends aggregatable and event-level reports.

Understanding aggregation keys

What aggregation keys are, how they're used in the Attribution Reporting API, and how you can translate goals into keys.

Prioritize specific clicks, views, or conversions

Configure the API to prioritize specific sources or triggers.

Why Chrome shipped the Attribution Reporting API

Understand why we shipped this API while it is in incubation in the Web Incubator Community Group.

Custom report windows

Custom report windows can provide faster event-level reports and selective reporting for aggregatable reports.

Register attribution sources

Learn how to register sources to attribute clicks and views to the appropriate events.

Register attribution triggers

Learn how to register attribution triggers to count your conversions.

Introduction to debug reports

Part 1 of 3 on debugging Attribution Reporting. Learn why debugging matters and when to use debug reports in testing.

Set up debug reports

Part 2 of 3 on debugging Attribution Reporting. Set up your debug reports.

Debugging cookbook

Part 3 of 3 on debugging Attribution Reporting. Find instructions for how to use debug reports.

Experiment with summary report design decisions

Use Noise Lab to preview how noise affects your summary reports.

Understanding noise in summary reports

Learn what noise means, where it is added, and how it impacts your measurement efforts.

Working with noise

Learn how to work with, account for, and reduce the impact of noise in your aggregatable reports.

Attribution Reporting: updates

Review the latest changes to the Attribution Reporting API.

Constraints on Aggregation Reporting data

Understand the data constraints, requirements for destinations and origins, and the impact on schedules.

Register multiple reporters

Discover how separate entities can generate and receive attribution reports.

Contribution budget for summary reports

Learn about the role of the contribution budget for Attribution Reporting summary reports and how to allocate it to capture the data you need.

Define custom rules using filters

Filters let you define rules for a variety of actions including which conversions are reported.

Attribution Reporting proposal updates in January 2022

Learn about changes made to Attribution Reporting to reflect community feedback.

Monitor your web application with the Reporting API

Use the Reporting API to monitor security violations, deprecated API calls, and more.

Migrate to Reporting API v1

A new version of the Reporting API is available. The new API is leaner and more likely to be supported across browsers.

FAQ: Impact of user-initiated data clearing on attribution reports

How does user-initiated data clearing impact attribution reports? How does that compare with cookie-based measurement?

Attribution Reporting

Measure when an ad click or view leads to a conversion, such as a purchase on an advertiser site.

A new default Referrer-Policy for Chrome - strict-origin-when-cross-origin

A new default Referrer-Policy for Chrome - strict-origin-when-cross-origin

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