Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

Engineer at Google working on web tooling: Headless Chrome, Puppeteer, Lighthouse

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Know your code health with the ReportingObserver API

ReportingObserver lets you know when your site uses a deprecated API or runs into a browser intervention. The basic functionality originally landed in Chrome 69. As of Chrome 84, it can be used in workers. It's pretty simple.

Chacmool: Augmented reality in Chrome Canary

Feature Policy allows developers to selectively enable, disable, and modify the behavior of certain APIs and features in the browser. It's like CSP, but for features! Shipped in Chrome 60.

Working with the new CSS Typed Object Model

CSS Typed Object Model (Typed OM) brings types, methods, and a flexible object model to working with CSS values. Shipped in Chrome 66.

Take control of your scroll - customizing pull-to-refresh and overflow effects

Introduction to the CSS overscroll-behavior property.

Eric Bidelman, Majid Valipour, sunyunjia

An event for CSS position:sticky

Using position - sticky and IntersectionObserver together to determine when elements become sticky. Apply scroll effects without scroll events!

Automated testing with Headless Chrome

Automated testing with Headless Chrome

Lighthouse January 2017 update

What's new in Lighthouse 1.5.

Building a better web with Lighthouse

What's new in Lighthouse. Redesign, new best practice audits, and an online report viewer.

BroadcastChannel API - A message bus for the web

BroadcastChannel API can be used for simple pub/sub between windows, tabs, iframes, or workers.

Easy URL manipulation with URLSearchParams

TURLSearchParams trivial access and manipulation of the URL's query string

Web apps that talk - Introduction to the Speech Synthesis API

Introduction to the Web Speech API's synthesis feature.

Chrome Dev Summit - Polymer declarative, encapsulated, reusable components

Polymer is a gateway into the amazing future of Web Components. Learn more about Web Components and Polymer from the Chrome Dev Summit

Visualizing shadow DOM concepts

Visualizing shadow DOM concepts

Canvas-driven background images

Powering a css background using canvas or webgl

Stick your landings! position - sticky lands in WebKit

Stick your landings! position - sticky lands in WebKit

Integrating input[type=file] with the Filesystem API

Integrating input[type=file] with the Filesystem API

Arrived! xhr.send(ArrayBufferViews)

Arrived! xhr.send(ArrayBufferViews)

Don't build blobs, construct them

Recent spec changes to the File API include a new constructor for Blob, which essentially makes BlobBuilder irrelevant.

Processing XHR2 file uploads in PHP

A server code example to illustrate how to handle file uploads

Taking an entire page offline using the HTML5 FileSystem API

FileSystem API allows to programmatically store files and folder hierarchies in the local (sandboxed) filesystem and subsequently add/update/remove individual resources as necessary

HTML5 audio and the Web Audio API are BFFs

createMediaElementSource() allows you to combine HTML5

Getting rid of synchronous XHRs

Heads up! The XMLHttpRequest2 spec was recently changed to prohibit sending a synchronous request when XMLHttpRequest.responseType is set.

CSS Filter Effects landing in WebKit

Adobe have been hard at work bringing this amazing technology to CSS. Specifically, I'm referring to CSS Filter Effects 1.0, which WebKit has started to implement.

Transferable objects - Lightning fast

With transferable objects, data is transferred from one context to another. It is zero-copy, which vastly improves the performance of sending data to a Worker.

Stream video using the MediaSource API

The MediaSource API extends the `HTMLMediaElement` to allow JavaScript to generate media streams for playback.

Let Your Content Do the Talking - Fullscreen API

The Fullscreen API allows web apps to programmatically tell any content on the page to enter the browser's fullscreen viewing mode, from JavaScript

WebSockets updated to latest version in Chrome Canary

The WebSocket API has been rev'd to the latest version (13) in Chrome Canary

Workers ♥ ArrayBuffer

Chrome 13 and FF5 support sending an `ArrayBuffer` (or Typed Array) to/from a Web Worker

Debugging the Filesystem API

The HTML5 Filesystem is a powerful API. With power, comes complexity. With complexity, comes more debugging frustrations.

HTML5 Libraries/polyfills - Mid July

More awesome libraries popping up all over the place

Don't miss a frame - Using the Page Visibility API + HTML5 Video

The Page Visibility API can be used to check if the current tab is visible or not.

Contra in HTML5 + Web Audio API

Thanks to the power of GWT, HTML5, and the Web Audio API we can build the originator of everyone's favorite cheat code, Contra.

navigator.onLine in Chrome Dev channel

With the offline APIs in HTML5, there's no excuse not to provide a flawless offline experience for users.

Welcome to

In an effort to info developers quicker, we've built this "HTML5 Update Stream" to highlight the cool things worth sharing

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