Simeon Vincent

Simeon Vincent

Developer Advocate for Chrome Extensions

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Extension actions in Manifest V3

Chrome extensions had Browser and Page Actions APIs for years, but Manifest V3 replaced both with a generic Actions API. This post explores the history of these APIs and what has changed in Manifest V3.

Introducing chrome.scripting

The Scripting API is a new Manifest V3 API focused on, well, scripting. Let's dig into the motivations for this change and how it's different.

Extension Manifest Converter

Open source tool to convert extensions to Manifest V3. You'll still need to manually update any code with non-mechanical changes, such as adapting to use service workers or some script injection.

Web Accessible Resources for Manifest V3

Web Accessible Resources for Manifest V3 is here! Now `manifest.json` supports permission definitions. Developers can restrict resources based on the requesting site origin or extension id.

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