Adam Argyle

Adam Argyle

Developer Relations Engineer working on Chrome CSS, UI, & DevTools.

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CSS nesting relaxed syntax update

Lookahead nesting enabled in Chrome 120.

CSS prefers-reduced-transparency

Optimize and adjust for users who prefer an opaque UI.

CSS text-wrap: pretty

Opt-in optimized text wrapping, for beauty over speed.

CSS relative color syntax

Create new colors based on another color's channels and values.

What's new in CSS and UI: I/O 2023 Edition

The top 20 CSS and UI features highlighted at Google I/O 2023 that you don't want to miss.

CSS update Media Query

Adapt your UI to the screen's refresh rate capabilities.

CSS update Media Query

Adapt your UI to the screen's refresh rate capabilities.

CSS text-wrap: balance

A classic typography technique of hand-authoring line breaks for balanced text blocks, comes to CSS.

CSS text-wrap: balance

A classic typography technique of hand-authoring line breaks for balanced text blocks, comes to CSS.

CSS Nesting

One of our favorite CSS preprocessor features is now built into the language: nesting style rules.

High Definition CSS Color Guide

CSS Color 4 brings wide gamut color tools and capabilities to the web: more colors, manipulation functions, and better gradients.

Meet the new CSS color spaces

CSS Color 4 brings wide gamut color tools and capabilities to the web: more colors, manipulation functions, and better gradients.

CSS color-mix()

Mix colors, in any of the supported color spaces, right from your CSS.

Scrollend, a new JavaScript event

Delete your timeout functions and shake off their bugs, here's the event you really need: scrollend.

Help choose the syntax for CSS Nesting

The CSS Working Group is continuing a debate over the best way to define nesting in CSS. If you are someone who writes CSS, we’d like your help.

Bramus Adam Argyle

Bramus, Adam Argyle

Help pick a syntax for CSS nesting survey results

See the results of 7,590 developers opinions.

Help pick a syntax for CSS nesting

Two competing syntaxes need your help in determining which should be championed through to a specification candidate.

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