Alex Danilo

Alex Danilo

Alex is a contributor to Chrome Developers

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Web Animations API hits cross-browser milestone

Firefox 48 joins Chrome in shipping a native implementation of the Web Animations API.

Web Animations improvements in Chrome 50

Better specification compliance and new features coming in Chrome 50.

Get on the CSS Grid

CSS Grid Layout is a new CSS3 module that provides new layout primitives that are ideal for web applications.

New web animations engine in blink drives CSS animations and transitions

An implementation of Web Animations 1.0 has landed in Blink powering CSS Animations and Transitions.

Respond to change with Object.observe

Respond to change with Object.observe

CSS layout gets smarter with calc()

You can use calc() anywhere a length or number is used, so you can use it for positioning things, or in rgb() color values as well, so it has lots of great uses in a style sheet.

CSS layout gets smarter with calc()

You can use calc() anywhere a length or number is used, so you can use it for positioning things, or in rgb() color values as well, so it has lots of great uses in a style sheet.

A new experimental feature - scoped stylesheets

Chromium recently implemented a new feature from HTML5 - scoped stylesheets, aka