Addy Osmani

Addy Osmani

Senior Staff Engineering Manager, Chrome

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Astro View Transitions

Highlight how the Astro community embraced View Transitions when Chrome was shaping up the API and the journey towards landing first-class support for it in Astro + persistent islands.

Can browsers optimize the loading of third-party resources?

Driving changes for better loading of third-party resources on the web

An Update On Chrome’s Web Framework Funding for 2022

We are sharing an update on recipients of Chrome's web framework funding

How do modern frameworks perform on the new INP metric

This post discusses the relevance of the new INP metric to framework-based websites and Aurora's work to support frameworks in optimizing this metric.

Introducing Aurora

This article introduces Aurora, a Chrome initiative to collaborate closely with open-source frameworks

Speed is now a landing page factor for Google Search and Ads

Speed is now a landing page factor for Google Search and Ads.

Exploring a back/forward cache for Chrome

bfcache creates a cache allowing for instant navigations to previously-visited pages.

Introducing ES2015 proxies

ES2015 Proxies (in Chrome 49 and later) provide JavaScript with an intercession API, enabling us to trap or intercept all of the operations on a target object and modify how this target operates.

Getting started with Progressive Web Apps

Learn how to get started building Progressive Web Apps

Instant Loading Web Apps with an Application Shell Architecture

Application shell architecture is a method of building progressive web apps today, taking advantage of a range of technologies.

Addy Osmani Matt Gaunt

Addy Osmani, Matt Gaunt

Tab Discarding in Chrome - A Memory-Saving Experiment

Reducing Chrome's memory footprint is one of the team's top priorities this year.

New Release of Material Design Lite - 1.0.4

There is a new release of Material Design Lite, bringing a host of bug fixes and improvements to the build process.

Getting Literal With ES6 Template Strings

Template String literals with embedded expressions. We've been waiting for this for ages. Literally

Automating Web Performance Measurement

Use PSI to get web performance metrics into your build process.

The Yeoman Monthly Digest

A monthly digest of high-quality Yeoman articles, generators and project news.

Yo Polymer – A Whirlwind Tour Of Web Component Tooling

A whirlwind tour of Web Components, Polymer and front-end tooling for them.

The Yeoman Monthly Digest

A regular round-up of articles, videos and talks authored by the Yeoman community.

DevTools terminal

Using your terminal from the DevTools

The Yeoman Monthly Digest

A regular round-up of articles, videos and talks authored by the Yeoman community.

The Landscape of front-end development automation (Slides)

Learn how to improve your front-end productivity with tools for workflow automation.

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